Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Prison Break Madness

Prison Break holds a special place in my heart because it's how I got Derrick to notice me :) We started a marathon with the first season and we couldn't watch an episode without the other person so we got to spend a lot of time together. Anyway, there are 4 seasons and we finally got back to watching them now that things have settled down. We finished last week and have both been freaking out because it finally ends- like seriously ends. We were staying up until 1:00 in the morning because we kept saying "just one more episode..." It's very addicting. Anyone who hasn't seen it needs to!


  1. Jake and I will have to borrow the last season and finsh watching it over Thanksgiving break.

  2. I've never seen Prison Break but I heard it's good.

  3. I haven't ever seen it. I have heard it is very good and very addicting so I better not start watching it.
